Nadine McNeil

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Wellbeing Studio

Nadine McNeil

Self Love Is A Practice

  • 25 Saturday
  • 11:15 - 12:00
  • FREE

Workshop Details

In loving ourselves unapologetically as we are, collective healing becomes exponential. Based on the premise that self-love is the most radical form of activism, this experiential workshop unpacks the origins and limiting beliefs surrounding our 'love stories.' The intention is a return to loving ourselves unapologetically, first and foremost. From this, all else flows. Includes journaling, somatic experiencing, intimate sharing and more.

Presenter Bio

Nadine's mission as a yoga teacher, speaker, wisdom mentor and humanitarian is to ignite infinite possibilities in people around the world, especially within marginalized communities. An accomplished transformational speaker, Nadine has appeared on international platforms such as Mindvalley’s A-Fest, BaliSpirit Festival, Caribbean Yoga Conference and online for the Shift Summit and Soulvana, the Mindvalley online platform that offers a plethora of mindfulness workshops and classes. Nadine is no stranger to moments of crisis. ‘As a result of my vast and colorful international experience as a disaster response specialist working with the United Nations globally, I have experienced and witnessed trauma first-hand,’ she declares. However, it was in recognizing her most urgent and important disaster was herself, that brought Nadine to her knees. When she speaks emphatically on topics such as diversity and inclusion, gender and intersectionality, health and wellness and personal development, people listen.

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