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Aspects of Healing

Sonraya Grace

Coming into Sacred Union

  • 17 Friday
  • 15:45 - 16:30
  • FREE

Workshop Details

Find unity with our inner feminine and masculine authentic qualities and union with the Earth and the Cosmos. Coming into unity and peace within is how we attract positive relationships and manifest joyful abundance. Learn how to bring balance to your inner feminine and masculine authentic qualities, letting go of the old programming so that you can come into deeper alignment with your heart and Soul's truth. Deepen your connection with the Earth and Spirit/Cosmos to feel supported, held and aligned with your purpose. This talk will include a short meditation at the end.

Presenter Bio

Sonraya Grace is a Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive Healer, and channel for multi-dimensional consciousness. She has been a member of the College of Healing since 2000. Her book, ‘Mother Earth is Calling You – Winter Wisdom’, is the first in a series of books to support the awakening of the Feminine. Sonraya’s passion is guiding people on an inner journey of transformation to activate and embody their authentic Feminine and Masculine qualities, unifying them with their heart and Soul’s light and truth. Helping them to feel more peace and balance and free to express who they truly are with joyful confidence.

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