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Aspects of Healing

Kinga Papp

Healing through The Soul of the Feminine

  • 18 Saturday
  • 14:45 - 15:15
  • FREE

Workshop Details

For too long, there have been deep-seated and entrenched inequalities in women’s wellbeing - from how women’s roles and expectations are formed to how their issues are being considered as ‘taboo’ or misunderstood. So women often suffer in silence and can find it challenging to step out of their action-oriented masculine to drop into their soft, creative feminine. When a woman finds the way back to her feminine essence, she can create healing and harmony for herself and others. All genders are welcome to this talk to learn more about the workings of a woman.

Presenter Bio

Kinga is a driven and charismatic individual with a vastly eclectic background in her life and career. She enjoyed a successful corporate career in advertising, but felt that something in her life was missing. She relocated to the Big Apple, NYC, where she started taking her first steps in the world of natural care, kinesiology and coaching. Today, Kinga is based in London where she specialises in women's wellbeing and sensuality coaching. She uses her healing and teaching background intensively in her work. Her projects focus on helping women to tap into their power, manifestation and pleasure potentials.

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