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Aspects of Healing

Marina Duskov

Why is healing your broken heart so important?

  • 18 Saturday
  • 15:45 - 16:15
  • FREE

Workshop Details

When major life changes occur they often leave an invisible handprint of pain upon your heart. From feeling reluctant to connect emotionally again, having difficulty in finding a great relationship, wanting closeness but being terrified when it is offered, or feeling deep hurt that makes it hard to trust. Marina’s talk will look at some of the problems that can accompany a wounded heart and some approaches to heal them including a taster of a gentle emotional release using the Sedona Method. 

Presenter Bio

Marina is an Emotional Support and Relationship Coach specialising in ‘Building Your Path to Emotional Freedom and Lasting Change.’  Using over 20 years’ experience in facilitating the Sedona Method Emotional Release process, Eastern healing principle, and knowledge gained working with her intuition and the unconscious, Marina discovered a gentle but powerful way to transition through any destructive thoughts or emotions, release heartache and grief and finally start living life again.   Marina believes everyone deserves to find the courage and motivation needed to move them out of what can feel like a deep emotional rut, so they can open up to healthy, new relationships with themselves and others.

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