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Ceremony Space


Guided Meditation and Shamanic Drum Ceremony

  • 19 Sunday
  • 14:30 - 15:15
  • FREE

Workshop Details

Join Ātman for an open ceremonial sharing circle and drum journey meditation to bring connection, balance and awareness to masculine and feminine energies both internally and externally.

Rest and reset in to your fullness and loving awareness after removing all that does not belong to you.

Presenter Bio

Olly Atman Ellis is a Facilitator of ‘Unmasked man’ mens work and Ātman mens circles & healing sound journeys. 

From his experiences with South American shamanic and eastern traditions he has unearthed a love for the healing powers of sound vibrations and drumming.

He has  been on an inwards journey of self discovery and recovery.

Having overcome many adversities, addictions, depression, suicidal tendencies and operations as a result of many traumas.

He is on an incredible journey of healing and understanding the masculine archetypes. He assists men through deep  shadow work and finds ways to support other men on a journey similar to his through his experience and powerful personal process.  

He believes that Understanding the self can lead to new insights and internal gold, freedom from ,judgment, shame and blame.  He reminds his brothers that they are not alone and help is always available for those willing to turn inwards and look at their shadow. 

After losing friends and men that he knew well to suicide and drink and drug abuse, he had a calling to support and help men and the masculine, by creating a safe space and group where men could come... to connect, support, be supported, share knowledge and wisdom, an important chance to be heard and respected. 

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