MBS favourite Samantha Sabanye Moyo from Morning Gloryville shares details of her 5 Daily Essential Practices.
5 Essential Daily Practices (in no particular order):
1. Listen to music that makes you smile and singalong - the cheesier the better!
2. Jasmine Tea at least once a day is essential
3. Breathe in through the third-eye chakra and out through the third-eye chakra to clear the mind
4. Prayers to the Angels before leaving the house. Thankfulness for the day ahead and all the joys and challenges it will bring. Thanking for the opportunity to play the game of life and all the protection, love and support we get.
5. Several meditations throughout the day
6. Soak in Bath Oils from Starchild
Follow Samantha Moyo on Instagram @moyo_samantha of @morninggloryville