Sound is an amazingly powerful tool. It is not something that occurs when we hear music or listen to something. It is an energy that has the ability of affecting our brain, our nervous system, our heart rate and much more, including actually shifting and changing our cellular structure and DNA.
And this is only on a physiological level. When you consider the use of sound on the emotional body and particularly, the mental and spiritual bodies—the possibilities are endless.
We are all sound healers
We teach people how to use sound for healing. Often, when we first tell people about this, most assume we are talking about some kind of music that needs a musical background and training. We are not! We differentiate between sound and music for this very reason — we are not talking about learning to sing and getting up in front of an audience to perform a song. That can be a very wonderful and courageous and even healing thing to do. But that is entertainment. We are talking about entrainment — the ability of one sound to shift and change the frequencies of another sound in order restore health and balance and create transformation. [caption id="attachment_2254" align="alignnone" width="295"]